Upselling – Timing is Everything
Editor’s Note: Steve writes, speaks, and consults on customer service.
On a recent business trip, I drove across a beautiful state on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. During my first rest stop, I bought a cup of coffee. The woman who worked the food counter had a great sense of energy and enthusiasm – she was obviously a morning person. “How may I help you?” The pervasive aroma of brewing coffee, fresh-baked pastries, sizzling bacon and fried eggs filled the room and created an appetizing ambiance. When it was my turn, I surrendered a five dollar bill. As I handed it to the woman, she asked, “Would you like a breakfast sandwich – they’re fresh?” So there I stood, cash in hand, amidst an upbeat person who invited me to taste the food which filled the room with its enticing aroma. A positive response added $2.50 to my total. After she handed me the coffee and breakfast sandwich, along with a nice “thank you,” I stepped to the side to add a little milk to my coffee. I overheard the next transaction in which a customer ordered a cup of coffee and sure enough, this woman made the same suggestion which resulted in another breakfast sandwich sale. This added another $2.50 to her cash register. Being curious, I waited in the lobby, ate my breakfast sandwich, and watched this counter person serve more customers. She sold an additional four breakfast sandwiches in about five minutes. This woman’s sense of timing was outstanding. She waited until a customer’s wallet or purse was out, with cash in hand and then she asked her upselling question along with the value proposition, “They’re fresh.” Wow, I thought – that’s an additional $10.00 every five minutes which could translate into $120.00 an hour. As I walked back to my car, I remarked to myself that this woman understood how to upsell. For many professional upselling is one of the least understood business behaviors, which can have a most dramatic impact on revenue and profitability. Opportunities to upsell abound in every segment of business. When executed with courtesy and skill along with a good sense of timing, upselling can add significant revenue to orders.