Negotiation Books and CDs for Professional Buyers
Professional buyers have long sought a purchasing based negotiation resource. Every other resource on the market has been written by sales people, lawyers, or academics. These guys are no help in our profession so a few years ago, I wrote the only book ever written by a purchasing pro for fellow purchasing pros on the subject of negotiation.
You’re the Buyer – You Negotiate It is not about tricks and false perceptions. It is all about the professional purchasing principles of the Total Cost of Ownership. (TCO). Any idiot can get a lower price; if it doesn’t “woik” (as they say in Brooklyn) when and if you get it, and no one knows nuttin’ when you call for service, was it such a good deal on the price?
A more daunting challenge is found in the last half of the book. Communication techniques, personality management advice, laws, and tactics do not come naturally to us as they do to our right brained sales brethren who are gifted in this realm.
Lastly, for the sales pro, wouldn’t you want to know more about how your customer thanks and what motivates him/her to act? Get a copy for your self and several more for your customers who could use a professional buyer’s education. Good luck.