Writing the Green Purchasing and Sustainability Plan
No matter the view on sustainability, the fact is that going green saves money. Saving money is the province of the purchasing profession. Therefore, purchasing is in the best position to lead the sustainability movement in business. Indeed, it is the cost savings harvested by purchasing in the familiar forms of energy conservation, waste reduction, recycling, land fill space reduction, raw material preservation and all the other areas that provide the funds for mounting a sustainability program.
None of these sustainability gains can be achieved without
- a substantial investment in education and training of a sustainability team led by a purchasing professional
- the execution of a well crafted Green Purchasing and Sustainability plan leading to large and verifiable sustainability gains accompanied by handsome cost savings
Writing a cogent, executable, verifiable, and bona fide Green Purchasing and Sustainability plan, however, remains the most daunting challenge to the purchasing professional. Chapter six of the Green Purchasing and Sustainability workbook and manual is devoted to helping purchasing pros create their own plan.
There are many organizations that prefer to outsource this expertise for reasons including time, resources, and expense. Help with writing your plan is available in the form of consulting service. Send me an email (address) or call 214.513.8484 and we discuss your interests. Choose from minor assistance to a complete plan.