Preview, Green Purchasing and Sustainability, Chapter 3
Editor’s note: this is the third of eight chapter previews of the new workbook and manual, Green Purchasing and Sustainability, that will be available to order in July 2011. To see all chapter previews, click here.
This chapter preview is an exercise, one of the many that punctuate the learning throughout this singular publication. For the answers, send an email to
- Which two are sustainability benefits of Xeriscaping ? (pick the best two)
- It conserves water
- It eliminates landfill space
- It minimizes maintenance energy
- It does not require packaging
- How does gray water contribute to sustainability? (pick two)
- It conserves the existing water supply
- It is a natural organic fertilizer
- It reuses rain water
- It is paperless
- How can fly ash used in concrete be considered sustainable? (pick two)
- It cannot be considered sustainable
- It reuses waste created by coal combustion
- It substitutes for a proportion of Portland cement in concrete products
- It conserves water
- Which one cannot be reused? (pick one)
- Universal grocery pallet
- Re-writeable CDs
- Ink on printed pages
- Rain water