Green Purchasing and Sustainability Workbook and Online Courses
Sustainability is here. Whether seen as a fad or a viewpoint with which you might not agree is secondary. What is primary is the fact that sustainability is all about cost savings. Of course there are political agendas at work but even they can be translated to cost savings.
Cost savings are the province of purchasing. Purchasing is in the position, either because we choose so or de facto, to lead the green revolution. We can educate ourselves in two ways, digital or paper media.
Click here for a two minute video on this subject.
One thing you will soon realize is that there are no simple or clearly defined guidelines as to what is or how to achieve sustainability. There is even a bona fide controversy over whether paper or pixel is more sustainable and thus the reason for this important material to be provided in both media.
Think that sustainability does not affect purchasing? On the contrary, the greatest gains in all of business by going green are made by purchasing. Green Purchasing and Sustainability actually saves many times the cost of implementation, if any. Consider the cost savings potential for these content areas.
Energy and Fuels
- Conserve electrical energy
- Conserve fuel and use more efficiently
- Choose alternative fuels on a Btu/$ basis
- Calculate dollar savings using carbon footprint data
- Why to choose certain fuels for varying applications
- Convert energy to green house gas calculations
Commercial, Industrial, or Institutional organization
- Apply the 3Rs of Reduce/Reuse/Recycle to manage
- Use “gray” water and other landscaping techniques
- Conserve and preserve natural resources
- Calculate ROI
- waste water
- waste paper
- storm water
- printed material
- “Green up” facilities through construction techniques
- “Green up” facilities through lighting and HVAC modifications
- Build green buildings with LEED guidelines
- Build Low Impact Development (LID)through a variety of techniques
- Uses for detention and retention ponds
- Reduce combined Sewerage Overflow (CSO)
- Calculate the greenhouse gases saved by your savings
- Calculate carbon foot print
Corporate Social Responsibility CSR)
- Improve corporate image with customers
- Make significant carbon foot print reduction
- Learn how major corporations are pushing Sustainability throughout the supply chain
- CSR gains = cost savings
Plus, Plus, Plus
- Dozens of tables, calculations, and charts
- Case Studies
- Follow up subscription service to keep abreast of the torrent of new material
Bonus: How to Write and Implement a Green Purchasing and sustainability Program
If you are still not convinced, take this quiz .
To order the the online course, click here . For the workbook and manual, click here to order. Discounted prices apply to bulk orders.