Green Purchasing and Sustainability Now Available at Half Price
Green Purchasing and Sustainability is now available to order at half price to readers of this blog and members of the American Purchasing Society . Click here to order for $89.50 before the 90 day or 100 copies offer (which ever is first) expires and the Amazon price of $179 applies.
The first 100 buyers for the next 90 days get 50% off the $179 Amazon price and free shipping! Click here to see what purchasing pos have to say about this work book and manual. For chapter previews, click here
This workbook and manual is packed with specific advice on how green purchasing saves money and creates sustainability. In return for the half off discount, all we ask is your feedback to be emailed to
Green Purchasing and Sustainability is required to earn the Certified Green Purchasing Professional designation through the American Purchasing Society beginning in fall 2011.