Social media is today analogous to what web sites were fifteen years ago, a de rigueur component of business. In the late 1990s, as more folks flocked to the internet, obtained email addresses, and discovered a wealth of information (and in some cases, disinformation) online, businesses and consumers expected to be able to research and transact business online. Amazon was then, and remains, a principal player in moving commerce to the digital world. Prospects, customers, and suppliers expect to find business partners not only with web sites but also social media footprints.
Today’s social media is far more than a means of communication. It comprises multiple marketing and sales channels. Further, most all forms intertwine. That is, if you post on LinkedIn, you can elect to automatically post to Facebook, Twitter, and so many other media vehicles.
To serve the demand of members and the purchasing community at large, the American Purchasing Society maintains a Facebook fan page and a LinkedIn company page .
In keeping with LinkedIn’s appeal to professionals, the Society’s company page has detailed information on its products and services. Please visit the Society’s company page when you have a moment and let the Society know what you think of the company page at