A Good Attitude Solves Problems
Editor’s note: Dr. Hough is a frequent contributor to this blog.
Would you rather deal with a salesperson whose calling card is a smile, a willingness to listen and, helpful ideas to achieve your objectives or one who wants to do all the talking and keeps telling you why whatever you want can’t be done? Would you rather work for a boss who listens and offers suggestions or one who doesn’t want to hear what you have to say and tells you its your problem?
Instead of berating a supplier for failure to perform, try listening and finding out the reasons for the mistakes and then offer suggestions for improvement. If you are a purchasing manager, listen carefully to what your buyers tell you. Then, evaluate what they say based on an investigation of the facts. Give praise for a job well done.
Listen to your supervisor or manager with an open mind. Try putting yourself in his or her position and understanding motivations and criticisms. Acknowledge when you are at fault and indicate that you will correct the situation and avoid a reoccurrence. It is very refreshing when someone admits his or her mistake. You often gain more by accepting blame then making feeble excuses.
Suppliers too are more willing to work with and help out a buyer who is polite, is respectful, and has a smile.