The Science and Art of Negotiation Online Course
Many business organizations call and email requests for in house negotiation training seminars but they either do not have enough people or budget. While in person live interaction and customization to work site challenges is always the best solution, if we cannot overcome that hurdle, then the online course alternative is the next best choice.
In concert with the American Purchasing Society (APS), I have authored two online courses to satisfy this need. These are called the Science of Negotiation and the Art of Negotiation. They should be taken in this order because we purchasing pros are left brained process types. If you take them together here, there is a discount.
An outline of content is avialalbe here on the training tab. A two minute video is viewable here.
The research, planning, and strategizing of the Science appeals to us left brain types. The Art deals with communication techniques, personality management, law and tactics – topics that are more familiar to our right brained sales brethren.
Round out your negotiation skill set with the Body Language online course that can be taken separately.